Legal Agreement: Terms of Service

I am joining Thrive OC Greensboro NC LLC (tGSO Thrive)  to become a member of the community. We are entrepreneurs, change makers, visionaries and professionals looking to empower others and do work that is purpose driven.  

As part of the community I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain and foster these 6 Core Values.

  1. Be Authentic: Help us build a fun place to work where we can share our talents and interests. 
  2. Empower Others: We value collaboration and cooperation. This is a respectful place where it is safe to share ideas, inspirations and creativity.
  3. Drive Forward with Purpose: We want to fill our community with people who have a strategic vision and the courage and determination to accomplish that vision.
  4. Think Big!: We value everyone’s hopes, dreams and visions for the future! All are invited to join and build on the conversation. 
  5. Leave the World Better than you Found it:  Through individual action and our business models we strive to care for the people, economy and planet.
  6. Embrace Diversity: tGSO Thrive wants to create an inclusive community where everyone feels welcome and can contribute equally. 

THEREFORE, and in consideration of monthly membership and/or tenancy: I agree to follow these policies as a member of the tGSO Thrive Community.


tGSO Thrive offers a variety of memberships and workspace options. Each level offers accessibility to certain amenities and benefits. 


Your membership entitles you to your personal use of tGSO Thrive exclusively for the operation, maintenance and management of your business and activities. Other uses of the space are not permitted unless prior approval is received by tGSO Thrive staff.


Member Amenities:

  • Gigabit wireless fiber internet with private network with custom fire wall, provided by NorthState
  • Mail and package handling
  • 24-hour access to tGSO Thrive (smartphone required for after-hours access)
  • Free, locally roasted Synchronicity Coffee
  • Beer on tap, sponsored by SouthEnd Brewing
  • Business supplies and printing
  • Large backyard patio & garden
  • Exclusive member discounts at local businesses
  • tGSO Thrive staff support
  • Conference room access

Multi-City Access: tGSO Thrive members receive four (4) days of coworking access each month to coworking partners across the state including Raleigh Founded (Raleigh), American Underground (Durham), CoSquare (Caswell County), and Blue Mind Coworking (Wilmington), as well as at all Thrive locations. 

Through our coworking software, Proximity, members also have access 3 times per month to participating spaces in the Proximity Network. Proximity spaces can be found here:


Payment: Membership fees are billed monthly on the 1st of each month in advance of that month’s usage. Meeting room rentals and other resources are billed upon or following usage. 

Unless special arrangements are made, all payment is processed either via ACH or credit card, through Proximity. tGSO Thrive will automatically raise an invoice and charge the card or bank account on file on the first of the month. It is the responsibility of the member to add an initial card or bank account upon joining, and update the card or account as needed. By signing below, the member gives permission for tGSO Thrive to automatically pull funds from the card or bank account that is associated with their membership account. 

Missed Payments: Should the collection of payment be declined or not received by the 1st of the month or date of invoice, members will have 8 days from the time of notice to reconcile the payment. If the payment is not reconciled within this reasonable time frame, the membership may be subject to termination.

Refunds and Credits: tGSO Thrive will not grant refunds for unused membership hours. Refunds will not be granted if changes to membership level or cancellation of membership are not submitted by the 21st of the month prior. Refunds and credits for other matters may be provided at the sole discretion of the tGSO Thrive.

New Employees 

New Employees of a company must complete an orientation and sign a membership agreement form. Member companies are asked to notify tGSO Thrive staff at least one week before an employee starts and allow one week for key copies to be made. If the employee does not complete an orientation or sign a membership form, the company will be held responsible for their actions. 


  • Cancellation/Pausing of Membership (not applicable to Office Tenants): Membership cancellation/pausing requests must be received by the 21st of the month prior to cancellation. Cancellations will take effect by the 1st of the subsequent month and deposits will be applied to that last month. Cancellation/pausing includes deactivation of membership profile, removal from online communities and communications, and no member access to the workspace. On cancellation/pausing of workspace membership, members shall return to us all tGSO Thrive property and remove all property—including mail. 
  • Termination of Membership: tGSO Thrive may terminate membership if a member fails to pay the balance of his/her membership in 30 days, if a member fails to abide by any term of this agreement, or for any other reason prohibited by law.

    If a member company needs to terminate an employee, tGSO Thrive Staff must be notified so that they can remove building access and remove the member from the tGSO Thrive system. 


Coworking Space & Common Areas

The Coworking Space and the kitchen are open 24 hours a day to members unless there is an evening or weekend event. Members will be notified in advance of these events. tGSO Thrive is to be used exclusively for the operation, maintenance and management of business or to host community events. 

The Coworking Space and kitchen are communal areas meant to be shared by members of our community. Please refrain from the following:

  • Loud, phone or video conference calls in common areas.  
  • Group gatherings of more than 10 people without reserving private space.
  • Common areas should not be a substitute for private offices for larger teams.

Phone booths, meeting rooms, and classrooms are available to book for phone calls and private team meetings.   

Please keep in mind the following while in these communal areas:

  • Members should label all food and drinks that are placed in the fridge, otherwise they will be seen as communal. 
  • Members are required to keep the kitchen and coworking space clean for the shared enjoyment of all the members and guests. Members agree to place dishes in the dishwasher after use or hand-wash them and to report equipment issues to the tGSO Thrive Staff. 
  • Members should throw away perishable food items. Those left in the refrigerator for longer than a week will be thrown away. 
  • Coffee is free for members and guests. 
  • The Phonebooths are first come, first serve. tGSO Thrive asks that members be conscientious of others who want to make a private call and limit calls to no more than 1 hour. 
  • TGSO Thrive is not an extension of the bars downtown. Any members who use the space in this way will have their membership revoked. 

Resources + Equipment + Supplies

Members are permitted to use the equipment owned or leased by tGSO Thrive and located throughout the tGSO Thrive space. Please see notes below about specific equipment.

  • Proximity: Proximity is our member and facility management platform. As a member, you will use Proximity to manage your account, book conference rooms, access our member directory, and locate other Proximity spaces.
  • Slack: This is our internal communication system. Slack is a great way to connect with Transform GSO staff and fellow members, learn about upcoming events, post job opportunities, and more.
  • tGSO Thrive Staff/Reception: Transform GSO  is staffed Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5pm. Our staff provides general membership and facility support in addition to their company-related duties.
  • Internet: Coworking Members, Office Members, and guests have access to tGSO Thrive’s gigabit AT&T wireless fiber internet.
  • Kitchen Equipment: Equipment in the kitchen includes: refrigerators, sink, dishwasher, ice machine, microwave, toaster, kegerator, Bunn coffee maker, coffee grinder, espresso machine, trash and recycling. Please treat the equipment with care and clean the equipment if a mess is made. 
  • Business Supplies: General business supplies such as tape, pens, envelopes, etc. are available near the front desk area.
  • Printer: All membership levels have access to the communal printer, which has printing, scanning and copying capabilities. Members are asked to keep their printing to a reasonable amount; approximately 100 pages per month.  Additional paper is available at the front desk. 
  • Mail: Members can use tGSO Thrive’s address as a mailing address for their business. tGSO Thrive staff will receive and sort mail and sign for packages. tGSO Thrive, however, is not responsible for lost or stolen mail or packages. If a member is expecting an important or high value package, they should notify tGSO Thrive Staff and make arrangements to be present when the package is delivered or make alternative delivery arrangements.  


  • Health and Safety: Members, guests, and staff showing any COVID-19/Flu symptoms including shortness of breath, runny nose, cough or fever of 100.4 or above, are asked to work from home. Anyone awaiting a COVID-19 test result must work from home until a negative test result is received. This policy is subject to change based on recommendations from the CDC, Local, State, and the Federal government.
  • Guests + Clients: Members are welcome to invite guests to tGSO Thrive for the purpose of business meetings or events. If a members’ guest works in the space for more than five (5) days, they may be subject to a membership fee.
  • Little Guests: Members who bring children to tGSO Thrive are responsible for them while they are in the building, and are expected to stay with them at all times. Please be mindful of any potential disruptions that may be caused for fellow members. We appreciate your help in keeping tGSO Thrive a professional workspace.
  • Conference Rooms:
    • Booking: In order to use a conference room, you must reserve it through Proximity or tGSO Thrive staff. 
    • Exceeding Time: A fee may be applied to your account should you exceed your monthly allotted time. A summary of charges will be shown on Proximity before you complete your booking.
  • After Hours Access: For safety and general facility/community management reasons, the tGSO Thrive team requests that members not let non-members into the building during after-hours. If a member is bringing guests into the building outside normal business hours, we ask the member to greet them at the front door and stay with them at all times. 
  • Alcohol: Alcohol should be consumed responsibly within tGSO Thrive. We do not tolerate intoxication or underage drinking in the space. tGSO Thrive is not an extension of the bars downtown and any members who use the facility in this way will have their membership revoked. 
  • Internet Usage: No spamming, posting or downloading files that you know or should know are illegal or that you do not have the rights to. Do not access any other device connected to the tGSO Thrive network or the Internet that you do not have permission to access. Usage of the Internet for heavy downloading/uploading is not condoned and any acts which may affect the quality or usage of the service for other users is not tolerated. While tGSO Thrive promises to do its best to provide you with access to Internet and telephones, you agree that tGSO Thrive is not liable for any damages for failure to furnish or delay in furnishing any equipment or Internet service (including telephone and telecommunication services) or for diminution in the quality or quantity of any Internet or telecommunications service. 
  • Last Person Out: The last person to leave a room or the last person to leave the building for the night, should turn off all lights and HVAC units (when applicable).


Code of Conduct

tGSO Thrive is dedicated to providing an ethical, safe, peaceful, and enjoyable working environment for everyone; therefore, we have adopted the following codes of conduct to address harassment, and respect of workspace cleanliness and noise level.

  • Harassment: Harassment includes, but is not limited to, reasonably offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity or religion; sexual images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Impact trumps intention. Coworkers are encouraged to contact the tGSO Thrive staff, even if only witnessing harassment to another. Coworkers asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
  • Tidiness: Keeping tGSO Thrive tidy is a requirement in maintaining a quality workspace. Work areas, as well as food and lounge areas, are expected to be kept clean and presentable. This means cleaning up after yourself in conference rooms, the coworking space, and other common areas. Also, food stored in the fridge should be labeled with your name and date.
  • Noise: Proper etiquette in regard to noise level is also expected. Members must be mindful not to disturb the noise environment, or any specific member of the environment. This is a coworking space. We expect our members to make efforts to recognize the needs of others, and a balance should always be sought to recognize the needs of one, while not hindering the needs of another.
  • Conflict Management: tGSO Thrive requests that all parties with whom we have formal and informal relationships, including customers, members, contractors, consultants, employees and volunteers, consider and agree to participate with us in alternative dispute resolution to resolve any and all conflicts and/or disputed issues that may arise within the course of our contractual relationship. In the spirit of our community manifesto and collaborative focus, we encourage respectful, open and direct communication to address issues at the earliest stage. Members should notify staff should any conflict arise.

We expect participants to follow these rules at all times.


All members and members’ guests are responsible for their own belongings and actions. tGSO Thrive assumes no liability in connection with any losses related to personal items or any personal injuries that occur in the space. Should any action or inaction cause damage or cost to tGSO Thrive, that cost is subject to be levied by member or members.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, you release and hold harmless tGSO Thrive from any claim you have or might have in connection with anything that has occurred or might occur on or in connection with your use of the Common Areas or Offices.

Video and Photo Release

Photos and videos may be taken during events and in the café, multi-purpose rooms and common areas. We will respect the privacy of suites, conference rooms and co-working space and photos and video will not be taken in those rooms unless verbal permission is received from members. We will try our best to give members warning if photos or videos are to be taken in the café, multi-purpose rooms or common areas during business hours. 

We ask that all members inform tGSO Thrive staff of any media coverage or photographs in the tGSO Thrive space as soon as they know about it so that other members can be given notice. 

I give tGSO Thrive full permission for the use of pictures, images, voice, actions, video footage and other personally identifiable information and waive all rights of privacy or compensation, which I may have in connection with such use of pictures, images, voice, actions, video footage and other personally identifiable information. 

I grant tGSO Thrive the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use my picture, image, actions, voice and other personally identifiable information associated with such video footage in all formats, media and in all manners, including composite or altered representations, for advertising or any other lawful purposes.

I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished version(s), including written copy that may be created in connection with the video production, editing and promotion therewith.